an animation trilogy inspired by the famous Vietnamese legend of THE mountain god and KING OF THE SEA (Sơn Tinh & Thủy Tinh)


Genre: Mythological, legendary

Length: ~107 minutes

Target audience: 7+

Premier (expected): 2025

The project is in the production phase.

Producer: Nguyễn Thị Xuân Trang

Director: Leo DINH

Content Co-creator: Trương Duy Ninh

Script: Leo DINH, Trương Duy Ninh

Producer: Nguyễn Hồng Ngọc Mai, Nguyễn Tiến Sơn

Ninh Binh.png



The story takes place in the 18th Hung Vuong dynasty - Van Lang state. Here are some sketches during the creation process.